Fees & Payment Information:
Rate includes personal shopping, travel and direct delivery.
We use store discount cards were available to bring you the best in-store prices.
Prices cover the cost of shopping and delivery from one store. Add Php 50 for each additional store or errand during the same shopping trip.
Payments are due upon receipt of Groceries via CASH only.
Grocery Receipt(s) Totaling up to Php 1000 = Php 150 Service Fee
Grocery Receipt(s) Totaling of Php 1001 - 2500 = Php 200 Service Fee
Grocery Receipt(s) Totaling of Php 2501 - 3500 = Php 250 service Fee
Grocery Receipt(s) totaling over Php 3500 = 10% of Total Grocery Receipt(s) Service Fee
** Need other errand runs? Call us to arrange additional service **
Personal Errands
Office Supply Store
Flower Shop
Hardware Store
Pet Supply Store
and more... Just Call to see if we can help you out
To set up Daily, Weekly, or Bi-weekly Grocery Home Deliveries, Please Contact us TODAY!!